Many people are taking calcium in order tom prevent osteoporosis. Taking calcium alone may be increasing the risk of having cancers and infections, unless if they take extra Vitamin D supplement. In order to absorb calcium, it uses up Vitamin D for the easy absorption. Lack of vitamin D may weaken the immunity, which can lead to cancer and other infections. Therefore, taking Calcium and Vitamin D supplements in combination is more effective than taking calcium supplements alone. Some researcher said that calcium supplement is useless without Vitamin D supplement, since you will need vitamin D in order t, since you will need vitamin D in order to absorb the calcium in the body.
In order to prevent a deficiency, you have to take proper dosage of vitamin D supplement. You need at least, 400 IU of vitamin D per day, whether you will take calcium supplement or not. Researchers are now recommending 2000 IU per day. You can get natural vitamin D from sunlight exposure. You can get also vitamin D from fortified foods these include fatty fish, eggs, liver and butter. On the other hand, if you are using, vitamin D supplemented milk, it is a poor source of that vitamin, since there are lots of calcium in milk than the vitamin D added.
Vitamin D Supplement
You need 1000 mg of calcium daily, and you can get that by drinking four glasses of milk every day. There are lots of people, who do not meet the recommended requirements in a day, from the foods that they eat. If you will take calcium supplements, you should take also the prescribed Vitamin D of at least 400 IU per day.
It is proven also that if calcium/Vitamin D supplements are combined, it helps to improve spinal bone density of the elderly. According to some research also, taking calcium supplement alone can increase the risk of heart attack, if you will not follow the required regimen. This is for the reason that it will accumulate into arterial wall. In addition, the calcium supplements can cause vascular calcification and can increase the mortality in n patients with kidney trouble, increase cardiovascular problems and MI in women.
Calcium/ vitamin D supplements are a combination medicine that is discovered to prevent or treat the low blood calcium levels. It is known also to aid conditions caused by low calcium levels like osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia, muscle disease and other diseases related to poor calcium levels in our body. Before taking calcium/vitamin d, ask prescription first to avoid toxicity.
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